Saturday, October 13, 2007


10 things i hate about myself

There's a hunger in me that only you can fill, no one will understand it the way I do~
"I hate myself that I love the way you look into my eyes, that I would gazed into the depths of the unconscious,
I hate myself that I love the way you smile, that I would melt right in front of you,
I hate myself that I love the way you smell, that I would wish I could wake up to the scent of you every morning,
I hate myself that I love the way you call my name, that I would yearn for you to call me when I’m not with you,
I hate myself that I love the way your breathe caresses my cheeks, that I would long just for that one kiss from that lips,
I hate myself that I love the way your body brushes against mine, that I would shiver and long to be in your arms for just one night,
I hate myself that I love the way your body moves, that I would long so very much to be a part of the excitement in your life,
I hate myself that I love the way you talk about your life, that I would wonder whether your plans could include me,
I hate myself that I love the way you make me laugh, that I would ask myself ‘Will she ever love me?’
I hate it that you belong to someone else, I hate myself that I love you and above all I hate myself that I love you more than myself"


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