Saturday, November 29, 2008


untold feelings

looking in your eyes
praying that you look back into mine
feel how i feel about you
cuz i'm running out of words
i wanna hold your hands
touch your face and brush your hair aside
so that i can see your face clearly
and kiss you tenderly
and tell you that i love you
but i'm holding back
i'm on the verge of breaking down
no longer can i ignore this feelings
i love you

Saturday, June 28, 2008



the way you stare at him
so deep into his eyes
as if there's gold in them
brings tears to my eyes

you caress his face
hold his hand close to your heart
hoping that he feels the pounding
the affection that he never should deserve

he always says the perfect things
only the things that you'd like to acknowledge
unfazed by the pretentious nature of his rosy speech
you fall right into his trap

but all he wants is the pride of owning you
parading you as one of his many trophies
see, things are a lil bit different on my side
loving you is all i ever want...

Monday, June 02, 2008


random shitz...bored

A: "I wanna make love in this club"
B: "Dream ON!"

A: "I'ma put ya to bed"
B: "Thanks, and off you go to the couch"

A: "She gon' get hers before mine"
B: "Sure boh?"

A: "Wrap me up in your legs and love you till your eyes roll back"
B: "My legs aint long enough for your waist"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


MaDCaT is not FatCat...fucking FATS!!!

Oh My Fucking God!!!! I've gained a whopping 2kg in this short period of time, and this is only the quarter mark of my short stint back in Malaysia. Damn, so much for controlling my diet in the USA, losing 30lbs; at the rate I'm going now, the estimated weight gain is 8 fucking kgs. Damn, this is not a good sign, how am I gonna shrug off those feelings that I get when I look at my fats in the mirror?

Holy shit, I wanna have a body that can make them chicks' drool, their legs weak; but this dream is as if running away from me. Gosh, gotta stop eating like a pig, I don't wanna be a fatty no more, I don't wanna have those vicious sights of chicks looking back at me when I check them out. scary...

Sunday, April 06, 2008


The I-Don't-Know-What-I'm-Blogging Post

Does love really come from the heart?
Is love really in existence?
If you tell me love really comes from the heart, I bet you are lying to yourself. Welcome to this superficial world where it's all about packaging.
If you're guy, would you even go out with a chick that is not really pleasant looking? Let's not talk about dating, would you even spend a second of your life to check her out? I bet you would say it's a fucking waste of time and she's a pain in the eyes. Ain't I right?
Oh yeah, love doesn't come from the heart, it comes from your cock, it's all about being turned on or off.
Same goes to the girls, if you ain't good-looking or cute--like how the girls like to describe you--you gotta be filthy rich, or girls ain't gonna come to you. Believe it or not, if you approach them and be smooth, they are gonna go like, "Oh my god, what the hell is he thinking, his mind is, like, so totally fucked up. He's so not...arghh...grrr...(feeling digusted)"
You may say that I'm shallow, ahuh, yes I'm fucking shallow but that's how things work in this world. Come and think about it, you're not too deep either, are you? Figure it out yourself.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Isn't It Too Late?

you put me on your ride after dinner
front seat right beside you
so that i had the best view
went around the village
before sitting down at the mamak
sipping our teh tarik slowly
enjoying the cool night breeze
i felt proud by your side
i bet you felt the same having me by your side

i remember...
first year at high school
i wasn't doing too well
you were worried
and couldn't sleep well
you called me everytime i didn't call home
i could see your tears in your heart
before i left for school
when you gave me your warm bear hug every sunday night
i got a burn wound on my right calf
you drove all the way to KL
to help address my wound
and made sure there wouldn't be any visible scar

as i grew up
i began to disappoint you

i even SCREAMED at you
while you were so sick and weak
how could i ever have done that
to someone that loves me so much
i'll never forget the look on your face
as you got the shock of your life
i'll never forgive myself
although i've seeked your apology
that's the worst regret of my life

there are so many times i let you down
but you keep on loving me as the apple of your eye
i always wanted to tell you this
but i don't, and never will
have the guts to tell you

i'm damn fucking proud to be your ah jie....

Monday, January 28, 2008


random emo shitz

looking back on the things i have done
for the past nineteen years
i've finally realized
so many mistakes that i've made
haven't made me a better person
you came into my life
brought me laughter and tears
took my soul away
and never did you return it
i have always failed
to push you away
to erase you from my memory
i have never forgot
to remember you
to wish you happy birthday
but you have never thought of me
guess i'm just an invisible emo fuck
why must you be such a stubborn stain
giving me all the pain
that i don't fucking deserve
sleepless nights
waking up in horror
dreams of you haunt me
have you ever dreamt of me?
the guy that will give you everything
within his capability
the living corpse that is constantly
searching for it's soul

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