Monday, August 27, 2007


T for Transformers!!! T for Twice!!!

Listening To: I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Reading: The Murderers' Club - PD Martin

!!! I had always dreamed of re-watching it and finally I could fulfill my dream today. YEAH!!!! The moviegoers are Janice, the Americans -Sean, Max, Andrew(i can't remember the name, is it Andrew??) and me. Well it's my second time watching this movie but I still can feel the excitement, they way the robots transformed just blew me away. Mikaela aka Megan Fox is still damn fucking hot, and I still wanna ride her home, I mean, give her a ride home, hahaha....

There were so many times in the movie I felt like jumping off the seat and cheer but I had to behave myself lar, as I didn't wanna give the Americans a bad impression. The movie was still great and I don't mind watching it again. Boy, was it orgasmic? Haha...

After the movie, Janice, Sean, Max and Andrew went to Hartamas for dinner(perhaps supper) while I went back to Sungai Pelek, Sepang.

I'm really tired now. Bye!!!

"war eye knee boo shh yin way knee the may" - Ryan


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