Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Time flies, indeed. Without any notice, the month of August arrived and put an end to the summer semester, and also BeeLian's and MeiXin's last semester in ADP. They are leaving on the 11th of August.
I'm having a break right now before the Fall semester begins. However, it's not really a break for me, many thanks to the GREATEST DAD in the whole universe. Before the break even started, I was given so many tasks to complete and I had no room for myself. Fuck!!!!! So the GREAT wanted me to teach my sister during this short break. He can never understand the fact that I may be better than her but not a good teacher. Alright, I really don't mind helping her but it's still fucking early now as SPM only comes in, like October or November? Fine!!!
The GREAT called, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That GREAT cheebye said that I'm not allowed to go to KL on wednesday, that is tomorrow. And The GREAT sees no reason spending so many days with my friends, fucking pissed I am now, fuck can't you see, I'm so pissed until the extent that I begin to start backward talking. FUCK don't ask me to read please, you're the GREATEST DAD in the whole fucking universe and you should fucking know I don't fucking like to read. Your Majesty.
This break is just YOU, always YOU. Fuck my plans, fuck whatever I wanted to do, fuck spending time with my buddies, fuck everything, fuck the world and most importantly, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Your Majesty will somehow find out your fucked-up-son's blog, and read it. After reading it, YOU can't eat 'cause YOU'll think about it, and YOU can't sleep 'cause YOU'll dream about it. I hope you are so mad that cardiac arrest is not so far off, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU!!!! How much YOU've spent on me, and how much I've spent, since that day I became a fetus; I'll pay YOU back, with interest, and make sure you don't lose anything, then I'm gonna fucking drown YOU with my stacks of dollars, when I earn my own fucking money!!!!
"Hatred has filled the void of love, there ain't no love; love doesn't bring peace, war does" - Ryan
I'm having a break right now before the Fall semester begins. However, it's not really a break for me, many thanks to the GREATEST DAD in the whole universe. Before the break even started, I was given so many tasks to complete and I had no room for myself. Fuck!!!!! So the GREAT wanted me to teach my sister during this short break. He can never understand the fact that I may be better than her but not a good teacher. Alright, I really don't mind helping her but it's still fucking early now as SPM only comes in, like October or November? Fine!!!
The GREAT called, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That GREAT cheebye said that I'm not allowed to go to KL on wednesday, that is tomorrow. And The GREAT sees no reason spending so many days with my friends, fucking pissed I am now, fuck can't you see, I'm so pissed until the extent that I begin to start backward talking. FUCK don't ask me to read please, you're the GREATEST DAD in the whole fucking universe and you should fucking know I don't fucking like to read. Your Majesty.
This break is just YOU, always YOU. Fuck my plans, fuck whatever I wanted to do, fuck spending time with my buddies, fuck everything, fuck the world and most importantly, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Your Majesty will somehow find out your fucked-up-son's blog, and read it. After reading it, YOU can't eat 'cause YOU'll think about it, and YOU can't sleep 'cause YOU'll dream about it. I hope you are so mad that cardiac arrest is not so far off, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU!!!! How much YOU've spent on me, and how much I've spent, since that day I became a fetus; I'll pay YOU back, with interest, and make sure you don't lose anything, then I'm gonna fucking drown YOU with my stacks of dollars, when I earn my own fucking money!!!!
"Hatred has filled the void of love, there ain't no love; love doesn't bring peace, war does" - Ryan