Thursday, February 08, 2007


I miss my babe...

This is my babe, yamaha sports 100. Got this bike when I was in standard 6. Now, it's all over. Dad has sold it, it's official. :(my babe looking macho

my babe emo-ing

One last photo with my babe :(


It's never easy to let go of you. You were the one who accompanied me through the ups and downs of my life. Your superb durability had helped teaching my motorbike skills. There were times when I mistreated you but I always regretted after doing shits to you.

I hope the new owners of yours will treat you like a friend, a good friend and take care of you 10000000 times better than I did. I will miss you!!!!


no, ryan, your babe grew up and became a mazda 323
wow...2 wheels to 4 wheels...
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