Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Things are not going well...It's harder than I think...

It's my 10th trial to upload the photos I wanna talk about, too bad, it's still not working. I also encountered some difficulties posting my first entry. Blogger(dot)com sucks like shit or too many bloggers are using this blogger(dot)com thingy? Or simply this fucking blogger(dot)com hates me?

Life's full of obstacles, isn't it? It seems like everything is going against me today, I'm damn pissed and sad. What happened?

I had this Math172 mid-term exam this morning and I've studied and prepared last night. I had full confidence that I'd do well in the exam. I was wrong, the questions were more difficult than I thought. It's not that I didn't know how to solve, time was ticking away as if 1 hour had become 60 nano-seconds. Obviously, I flunked it and I believe there goes by 4.00 GPA for Math172 as well. Shit!!!

I knew that S has a boyfriend but I was in the state of avidya and I just wanted her to be my girl. I did not give a damn, man!!! Luckily, the sweetness of the couples around me (donn & meixin, jon & beelian) woke me up from this state of mind few days ago and I know that it's not right to be a third party and ruin their relationship. I want to forget about her but it's tough. I can't stop my heart from thinking about her, her everything...shit!!! To forget someone I like, it's harder than I think.

Then in World Of Sport, I tried to dribble a small ball on the floor. Guess what??? It bounced back and hit my dick. It was damn painful and I really thought that the ball hated me. Damn shit, man!!! It's really not easy to dribble with a small small, harder than i think.

Fuck man, this is like one of the most fucked up days of my life. Am I a born loser? Was I born to lose? Why can't I excel and become the best in something? Why am I so uncool? Why am I so lame?

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