Sunday, October 29, 2006


Newbie is in da house....

I've been reading blogs for the past few days. Read some good blogs that reflect the authors', alright, alright, bloggers' lives and personalities. And some shit that happened to me recently make me feel like blogging. I was thinking of joining the piles-of-shit blog (jon's and his friends') then I found out that I can blog for free with blogger(dot)com. So this is my maiden voyage to the unknown side of me as I think that writing blogs, yeah, yeah, BLOGGING, can help me explore the less known side of me, the Dark Side perhaps. Hehe...

Things you will see in my BLOG...

  1. lots of bad words...serious...
  2. nude though...
  3. simple English that is not even the standard of primary schools, so strictly no fancy and difficult English...
  4. Manglish...yeah...proud of it...
  5. grammatical mistakes...
  6. jay chou, cars, StarWars, and chicks(???)
This is my blog so, fuck, I dun give. I'll fucking blog whatever I want, ain't nobody is gonna manipulate what I wanna blog. I'll just Blog My Ass Off!!! So my parents, this space is mine, no right, you have, to campur tangan... I am me, the man I call MaDCaT...

good to see you writing, man. may the sith be with you.
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