Sunday, April 06, 2008


The I-Don't-Know-What-I'm-Blogging Post

Does love really come from the heart?
Is love really in existence?
If you tell me love really comes from the heart, I bet you are lying to yourself. Welcome to this superficial world where it's all about packaging.
If you're guy, would you even go out with a chick that is not really pleasant looking? Let's not talk about dating, would you even spend a second of your life to check her out? I bet you would say it's a fucking waste of time and she's a pain in the eyes. Ain't I right?
Oh yeah, love doesn't come from the heart, it comes from your cock, it's all about being turned on or off.
Same goes to the girls, if you ain't good-looking or cute--like how the girls like to describe you--you gotta be filthy rich, or girls ain't gonna come to you. Believe it or not, if you approach them and be smooth, they are gonna go like, "Oh my god, what the hell is he thinking, his mind is, like, so totally fucked up. He's so not...arghh...grrr...(feeling digusted)"
You may say that I'm shallow, ahuh, yes I'm fucking shallow but that's how things work in this world. Come and think about it, you're not too deep either, are you? Figure it out yourself.

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