Monday, December 11, 2006
So CLOSE yet So FAR...
Last friday was the last day of the fall semester 2006 (my second sem), I had neither classes nor exams. The girl of my dreams sms-ed me in the morning when I was still in the bed, dreaming of her. No shit... She asked me to play pool with her at Asia Cafe, without any fucking hesitation, I accepted the invitation 'cause I was just too damn happy to refuse.
Glad to see her at AC. But the feeling lasted only 5 minutes. Physically, we're so close together, mentally, we're worlds apart. I couldn't get what she's thinking and what she really wanted. Deep beneath my fragile heart, I know I still like her, very much, yes, very....(you can say that i'm a pussy, like fucking hell i give a fuck)
I really miss the time we had in form 4. That was the time of my life but it costed me dearly academically. I enjoyed sleeping beside her during physics, chemistry, algebra and sejarah classes. I can still remember what songs we listened to, they are by FIR. Imagine, the left earbud of the discman in her left ear and the right earbud in my right, therefore, we're sleeping so damn close together. I could feel her hair brushing mine, her elbow touching mine, her leg leaning on mine. It was so damn sweet although I knew it's an one-way traffic, like streets in SS15, nearby Taylor's University College. Ltttle did I know that I'd developed my feelings towards her. Until the day when I would hate for her to find somebody nice, who she really liked, I was so damn sure.
"I don't wanna be like your brother, I don't wanna be your best friend, I only wanna be your lover" - 98 Degrees
Glad to see her at AC. But the feeling lasted only 5 minutes. Physically, we're so close together, mentally, we're worlds apart. I couldn't get what she's thinking and what she really wanted. Deep beneath my fragile heart, I know I still like her, very much, yes, very....(you can say that i'm a pussy, like fucking hell i give a fuck)
I really miss the time we had in form 4. That was the time of my life but it costed me dearly academically. I enjoyed sleeping beside her during physics, chemistry, algebra and sejarah classes. I can still remember what songs we listened to, they are by FIR. Imagine, the left earbud of the discman in her left ear and the right earbud in my right, therefore, we're sleeping so damn close together. I could feel her hair brushing mine, her elbow touching mine, her leg leaning on mine. It was so damn sweet although I knew it's an one-way traffic, like streets in SS15, nearby Taylor's University College. Ltttle did I know that I'd developed my feelings towards her. Until the day when I would hate for her to find somebody nice, who she really liked, I was so damn sure.
I just don't understand
why you're running from a good man
I know you've been hurt before
but I swear you will be hurt no more
I swear I'll never let you down
'cause you're the one I adore
tell me what I gotta do
to prove that I'm the only one
that can give you undying love
Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart
You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever
why you're running from a good man
I know you've been hurt before
but I swear you will be hurt no more
I swear I'll never let you down
'cause you're the one I adore
tell me what I gotta do
to prove that I'm the only one
that can give you undying love
Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart
You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever
"I don't wanna be like your brother, I don't wanna be your best friend, I only wanna be your lover" - 98 Degrees
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Earthquake!!! @ ADP
This is the Taylor's ADP building where I'm doing my first year of American Degree Program currently. This place is cool shit. Listen, classrooms are located at the 12th floor, library's at the 11th. Where's the office??? Ground floor...where??? Behind the lift So is this what they call a campus??? Yes, it is.
And this is ADP's brother, it's called TBS (Taylor's Business School) building. It lives opposite ADP across the street. They don't fight and argue, they have a good relationship that they even merged recently. There are even speculations that the skybridge connecting both building will be built. I hope they don't build that thingy because it will be damn brokeback-ish. Imagine a stick-like thingy connecting the two guys...brokeback rite???
Around 1210hrs yesterday, people fled away from these buildings and gathered below the building, getting ready to witness the fight between ADP and TBS about where to put the skybridge. These buildings where shaking and trembling like shit and people thought they were angry at each other and hell was gonna break lose. Dumbass...
(above: look who's leading the escape, the fucking librarian...and poh yee, cute girl in the middle, holding books and a file, was running towards me to beat me, thinking that i was taking her're wrong poh yee, i'm not interested in you at all..i know it's mean...:P)
(above: Look at the little girl pointing her camera phone towards the sky, it's meixin, too late meixin, i've taken the pics, it's in my blog now:P...see the fire-engine was even here, ready for the worst case scenario if hell breaks lose between the brothers.)
(above: I accidentally took this photo and when I had a look at it, I was like what the fuck is the petronas worker doing here in adp??? Then I only realized that the green uniform is the latest uniform for the cleaners in adp. HAHA...)
Fuck the bullshit, it's a 6.6 Richter-scale-earthquake that took place in northern Sumatera. All we had here were just slight tremors, nothing compared to the places nearby the epicenter. Sadly, there was no tsunami this time. fun...
"no tsunami, no fun"

Fuck the bullshit, it's a 6.6 Richter-scale-earthquake that took place in northern Sumatera. All we had here were just slight tremors, nothing compared to the places nearby the epicenter. Sadly, there was no tsunami this time. fun...
"no tsunami, no fun"